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Monday, May 24, 2010

Video - Appraisers ~ HVCC (Home Valuation Code of Conduct)


  1. It is a real shame that the actions of unethical appraisers have adversely affected the buyer, seller, buyer's agent, listing agent, and other parties involved in a real estate sales transaction. I've said it before in a previous post, and I'll say it again; appraisers who were rubber stamping and subjectively manipulating property valuations in collusion with lenders are SCUM BAGS. And now, as a result of their actions, the new HVCC prohibition on communication between appraiser and others involved in the transaction is affecting buyer/seller and others and costing the consumer even more money and headache. Way to go SCUM BAG appraisers !! But I certainly don't feel sorrow or pity for many appraisers who are loosing all kinds of business now and going under. You deserve it and more !

  2. "One man, has single-handedly crippled..." WRONG !! WRONG!! WRONG!!

    THOUSANDS of unethical SCUM BAG appraisers who were in collusion with lenders caused this; and yes, they have had an ENORMOUS and far reaching adverse impact on not only the economy, the real estate industry but the end user consumer who ultimately pays the price in this debacle.
