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Monday, May 24, 2010

Video - House of Cards (part 2)

1 comment:

  1. In the scenarios presented in this video expose news piece, where they interview a couple who were payment shoppers and bought a $400K home with a $2k mortgage payment, and then had their ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) go up on them making their new mortgage payment $4K - the interviewer asks the couple, "Didn't you understand all this, did you have a lawyer look over it [loan terms docs]. I am highly surprised that the interviewer didn't ask, "Did you have a buyer agent/Realtor assist you in the purchase of your home, did they advise you on the risks and consequences of an ARM loan ?"

    A good and ethical buyer's agent (such as me of course) would have given this couple better advice or financial planning to help avoid such pitfalls.
